EMR joins forces with The Veterans Charity to create special ‘Routes of Remembrance’ commemoration for Armistice Day

  • Special initiative working in collaboration with Community Rail Partnerships (CRPs) and station adopters across the East Midlands
  • Poppy wreaths will be transported across the EMR Intercity and Regional network
  • Over 25 train stations involved in event taking place on Armistice Day

Routes of Remembrance Service

Armistice Day – Thursday 11th November

Media invited to attend:



Nottingham station


Derby station


Interviews available upon request.

Please confirm attendance to Leanne Barrie, (Leanne.barrie@eastmidlandsrailway.co.uk) no later than EOD Tuesday 9th November 2021.


A special Armistice Day celebration will take place across the East Midlands Network on Thursday 11th November as EMR joins The Veterans Charity and our Community Rail volunteers to support ‘Routes of Remembrance’.

Wreaths and tributes will be placed on several East Midlands Railway services, to be displayed at Nottingham and Derby stations, followed by a special Remembrance service.

EMR is working closely with The Veterans Charity, CRPs and Station adopters across the East Midlands to support the event, ‘Routes of Remembrance’.

Routes of Remembrance will involve six train services and more than 15 stations covering the length and breadth of the Regional East Midlands Network, including the North Staffordshire Line, The Derwent Valley Line, The Poacher Line and The Castle Line, as well as the Intercity route, from Sheffield to London St Pancras.

Services will be held at Derby, Nottingham and London St Pancras stations. 

Will Rogers, Managing Director for EMR said “We had an overwhelming response from our local communities to get involved in this event for Armistice Day.

“We’re really looking forward to marking the occasion, Routes of Remembrance is our way of helping our communities to ensure our fallen heroes are remembered.”

Danny Greeno, CEO of The Veterans Charity said “The incredible role played by the railways in supporting our military, both in times of conflict and peace, is often overlooked. Routes Of Remembrance is our way of honouring that support as well as the sacrifices made by those who have fallen as a result of conflict.  We are very proud to have EMR’s fantastic support across their network.”



Contact Information

Leanne Barrie

East Midlands Railway
